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Importance of Insulating and Lining out a Concrete Garage 

Insulating & lining out a concrete garage can be quite a daunting prospect. But, it doesn’t need to be. 

Concrete garages are very versatile buildings and can have a wide range of different uses. In recent years we have seen a significant increase in the number of people wanting to line and insulate their building. This can be especially important if the building is to be used to store items prone to moisture damage or damp. 

If you are planning on insulating and lining a concrete garage there are certain steps you will want to take. Keep reading to find out more. 

Starting To Line A Concrete Garage

The first step in lining out your concrete garage, shed or garden building is to fix timber battens to the wall to give you something to fix your lining material to. The simplest way to do this is via the use of lining clips. These metal clips fix to the concrete panel bolts enabling you to fit the timber battens without the need to drill or glue the concrete panels. Lining clips come in packs of 12 and can be purchased from our sales team. 


lining out concrete garage

Insulating A Concrete Garage

The next step is the insulation process. The importance of concrete garage insulation cannot be stressed enough when embarking on the lining out process. By insulating the building you are helping to keep valuable heat inside the building but also reducing the possibility of condensation forming.

There are two primary ways to insulate the walls, either using the coated foam sheet type or fibreglass. Coated foam sheets such as Kingspan or Celotex are either to work with as they are rigid. If fibreglass rolls are to be used a membrane will need placing between the wall panel and the insulation to prevent condensation.  

With the insulating material in place it’s time to move on to the final stage.

As the insulation needs fixing to the concrete panels prior to lining the building we would suggest using the Kingspan type as it is easier to handle and fix to the panels. Most insulated sheets are available in a variety of thicknesses, either 25mm or 50mm would be preferable. Obviously the thicker the sheet, the better the insulating properties. 

Lining Out A Concrete Garage

The final step is to apply the lining material. Ply board is a good option as it is sturdy and repels moisture well. Depending on what you want to use the building for, you may wish to use plasterboard then plaster the inside of the building. 

The lining material can simply be screwed or nailed to the timber battens. Be sure to fix any electrical wiring you may need prior to fitting the ply board or plasterboard sheets. 

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