musical instruments of a band practising in a garage

How to Soundproof a Garage

Whether it’s band practice or noisy DIY, or any other activity that may disturb the neighbours, there are plenty of reasons to want to soundproof garage. Read on to find out how to achieve this.   Why Soundproof a Garage? There are several fantastic benefits to soundproofing your garage:  Noise reduction from the inside  Great for building a good relationship with…

Reorganised concrete garage

Inspiring Tips for Reorganising Your Garage

The better weather is well and truly on its way, with the evenings beginning to draw out and a sense of optimism about the arrival of spring. With the disappearance of winter comes the opportunity for that all-important spring clean, and top on many to-do lists is the task of redecorating and reorganising your garage.   Organising a garage can save…