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lined out garage

Importance of concrete garage insulation and lining out

The importance of concrete garage insulation and lining out

The importance of concrete garage insulation and lining out can be found here in our handy guide. With concrete garages being used for more and more purposes we often get asked about garage insulation and lining them out. This is particularly important if you plan to store items in your garage that are prone to moisture damage or damp. So if your concrete garage is going to be somewhere you will spend a lot of time or used to store delicate or perishable items we would recommend you find out the best ways of insulating and lining out your concrete garage. So here are some top tips to lining out your building.


A sectional concrete shed or garage is a very versatile building with a huge array of different uses. From simple storage to a workshop, home gym or music room the possibilities are endless. In fact only around 25% of garage owners actually park their cars in them! Over the years we have seen some very inventive ways of using concrete garages!

First Steps In Lining Out

Lining clip with batten
lining out concrete garage

The first step in lining out concrete garages is to fix timber battens to the panels to provide something to fix wall sheets to. We recommend that you do not attempt to drill into the concrete panels to fix the battens. Instead, Lidget Compton can supply packs of lining clips that fix securely onto the existing panel bolts. The timber battens can then be fixed to the lining clips as you can see from the pictures here. Once the battens have been fixed around the garage you’re ready for the next step.

How to Insulate a Concrete Garage

The importance of concrete garage insulation cannot be stressed enough when embarking on the lining out process. By insulating the building you are helping to keep valuable heat inside the building but also reducing the possibility of condensation forming.

There are two main ways to insulate a concrete garage. The first is to use a fibreglass insulation much like the type found in any typical loft. The second is to use a coated foam sheet like the ones manufactured by Kingspan or Celotex.

If using the fibreglass type of insulation you will also need to place a membrane between the insulation and the outer wall. This will help to prevent the warm moist air inside the building coming into contact with the cold concrete which could cause condensation. This step is not needed with foam type insulation as the coating on the sheet acts as the barrier.

As the insulation needs fixing to the concrete panels prior to lining the building we would suggest using the Kingspan type as it is easier to handle and fix to the panels. Most insulated sheets are available in a variety of thicknesses, either 25mm or 50mm would be preferable. Obviously the thicker the sheet, the better the insulating properties.

Once the garage insulation is in place it’s time to move on lining the building out.

Lining Out

lined out garage

When lining out concrete garages a good method is to use ply board sheets preferably at least 12mm thick. Ply board is a good material to use as it is sturdy and it repels moisture.

Prior to fixing the ply board in place it’s a good idea to add any electrical cabling (where applicable). The wiring can then sit neatly behind the boards to give a tidy finish.

Once cut to size the boards can easily be nailed or screwed onto the timber battens. A good coat of paint will then help to seal the wood and provide another layer of moisture protection.

Although we have only dealt with lining out the walls of a concrete garage the principles are essentially the same for insulating and lining the floor and roof of your concrete garage and we would like to see if you have used our tips to insulate your flat roof and pitched roof garages. We hope you have found this article on the importance of concrete garage insulation useful!

If you need help insulating and lining out your concrete garage why not speak to one of Lidget Compton’s network of building specialists. If they can’t complete the work themselves they will be able to recommend someone who can.

You can find your local Lidget Compton garage expert using our handy Agent Finder.

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Lidget Admin

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